Il and I were so very thankful for our trip through the RAJE Philly program. We were all over Israel for two and a half weeks with 42 friends. We climbed Masada for a sunrise, swam in the Dead Sea, volunteered at a trauma center, paddled the Jordan River, walked the Old City in Jerusalem and Safed, camped in the Bedouin tents, went ATV-ing and did wine tours in the Golan Heights, baked homemade pita and pet donkeys in Kfar Kedem.
We were grateful to leave when we did in late June. As citizens of humanity, we wish for the Israeli people and it's surrounding nations to one day live peacefully with one another. We hope one day, each person will love each other as their own brothers and sisters, without consideration to religion, power, ethnic background, land or resources. We stand with all of those that promote peace.